Tip for the Domestically Inexact

Do not, in a moment of Wild Optimism masquerading as a Brilliant Idea, put the smelly towels you found under your son’s bed[*] in the washing machine on the heavy duty cycle instead of giving them a good soak in a disinfectant solution as recommended by my mum and yours.

Especially in a brand new machine that’s still showing off just how much more powerful it is than the last one.

The result is towels that look like they need to go to the vet for some special cream.

* This is of course a calumny upon the Togster, who actually leaves towels any old where downstairs, whereupon I heap them up in an overlooked corner of the laundry and then make disgusted noises the next day (or the day after) when I remember that I meant to wash them the day before or the day before that, if you’re following me, which may not be the best idea.

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