
Hands Up Who Saw This Tweet Coming

So in Rupert’s world, if you are famous and popular enough to make oodles of money for people like him, then you should be allowed to punch people and everybody else should just shrug and move on.

The cost of mockery in Australian politics

Prime Minister Gillard’s looks would be irrelevant except that everything about her, including her appearance, has been represented in the media in such an incredibly hostile manner that you’ll be genuinely taken aback when you meet her. And it’s depressing, as a woman, to see this for yourself – the contrast between the Prime Minister as she appears, in person, and how you think she looks based on her appearance in the media.

Toxic culture in university colleges

A 2009 post from Mary (almost exactly three years ago) is getting a lot of hits today, and I’m deducing that it’s because of searching on St Johns college at the University of Sydney due to this SMH story: Culture of anarchy at a college in crisis.

It Gets Better: a message from Australian comedians

I’ve long made pained expressions whenever I hear that “high school is the best years of your life” pablum expressed, and I was one of those people who did actually have a pretty good time at high school…I know now how lucky I was. After high school, LIFE GETS BETTER.

On A Woman Choosing Not To Date A Geek

[TW for violently abusive language towards a woman] For those who haven’t come across this story, it starts when a man and a woman in New York came across each other on the OKCupid dating website and went out twice, were each less than enthralled with the other, and moved on. So far, so ordinary.