Month: September 2014

Media Circus: Shame Shorten Shame – Spineless Opposition Edition

The Shorten Opposition is there voting with the government in the House without rigorously debating the bills or using the Senate conscientiously as a House of Review, so these bills are being fast-tracked into legislation without adequate scrutiny let alone electoral transparency. Why?

Contrast the government’s war on welfare with the rhetoric surrounding critics of the increasing wealth gap as advocates of “class warfare”. Hmm.

What news story/commentary/analysis has grabbed your attention lately?

Music Monday: Dub Side Of The Moon

I’ve gotten out of the habit of regular posting (some of you may have noticed). I’m going to work on building the habit back up by just posting bits of anything at least once every other day. So today you get a different take on some classic Pink Floyd.

Dawkins stirs the pot again

I’ve just posted at Feministe about the latest developments in the skeptosphere’s Deep Rifts TM. For those who’d rather discuss the ongoing cyberstorm that began with Elevatorgate here, this is the thread for you. Links to other people’s posts especially welcome.

Media Circus: Is Welfare “Dependency” Really Our Greatest Social Evil? Really? Edition

Given a choice between a welfare system in which some people get money they don’t deserve but nobody dies miserably, and a welfare system in which nobody gets money they don’t deserve but people die miserably, which do we prefer?

Contrast the government’s war on welfare with the rhetoric surrounding critics of the increasing wealth gap as advocates of “class warfare”. Hmm.

What news story/commentary/analysis has grabbed your attention lately?

Media Circus: Blaming/Shaming Women Edition

In just the last week Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn and over 100 female showbiz celebrities brought it all on themselves, doncha know.

Also in the last week our current Federal LNP government has kept on working to push its ideological agenda through Parliament, against what seems horribly likely to be insufficient opposition despite the best efforts of the Greens.

What news story/commentary/analysis has grabbed your attention lately?