
Solstice Whimsy: Megalithic Mini-gardening

Happy June Solstice! Merry Yule/Litha to those who celebrate the circling of the seasons. This solstice whimsy post features an example from the hobby world of miniature gardens: behold the Teacup Stonehenge! Please share any bits and pieces you have come across recently that have surprised, delighted, intrigued or otherwise positively engaged you.

Media Circus: #BringBackOurGirls Edition

So who else thinks that if 200+ white schoolgirls had been kidnapped from a boarding school anywhere on the planet that the media would be making it not just a top story but the top story for weeks until their whereabouts was discovered? So why aren’t there regular updates about the 200+ kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls every single day?

What news story/commentary/analysis has grabbed your attention lately?

Cosmos Wars

Dana Hunter thoughtfully put together a links roundup (so I didn’t have to) on the many many creationists who are very cross with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson right now because he’s talking science on TV.