
Friday Hoyden: Gillian Triggs

Gillian Triggs has proved herself so far above the pitiful scrabblings of the shrivelled souls who want her to stop saying that we shouldn’t subject children to institutional abuse that she has forced them to reveal themselves for what they are.

Media Circus: #JeSuisCharlie Edition

I want to be stalwart in solidarity with the French as they resolutely stand against terrorism aimed at the heart of their multicultural democracy, and by extension, our multicultural democracy as well. How to best do that in this swirl of emotion following these murders while refusing to fall into the polarising trap that the terrorists have set for us? I don’t have any easy answers.

What news story/commentary/analysis has grabbed your attention lately?

Media Circus: Sydney Siege Edition

It’s been a bad week here in Sydney, a bad week in Peshawar, and news from the rest of the world has mostly not been great, either.

What news story/commentary/analysis has grabbed your attention lately?

Hands up anybody now who’d trust Rolling Stone to tell their story?

“We’ve constructed seemingly infinite incentives for victims to keep silent (you drank too much, you wore too little, you’ll destroy the family, you’ll ruin the fun, your entire sexual history will be dredged and questioned and vivisected … in front of your grandma) and pretty much no compelling reasons to report, nor functional support systems in the aftermath.”