Day: 2009-01-02

Friday Hoyden: Candice Bergen and her singing voice


Friday Hoyden: Candice Bergen

Why do I have Bergen pegged as a Hoyden? The characters she has played on television does bust submissive femininity norms, so that’s part of it. But I think it’s her bad singing that has really reeled me in. It’s hard enough to sing in public when you can hold a tune, but it takes a special kind of hoydenish chutzpah to do it when you can’t. And I like that.

Faves: Disability

Hoyden About Town is looking forward to the finalist voting in the 2008 Weblog Awards. I’ve put together a few of my posts from the past, in the categories Feminism, Breasts, bodies and birth, Bad science, Big pharma, and Disability. They’re not chosen for any strict criteria – just the posts I found memorable, the ones linked a lot, the ones that attracted lots of comments.