
“best argument against democracy is 5 min conversation with the averag VOTER sa winston churchil who was aktualy not bad and looking at colection of numskuls oiks roters bulies and cads of st custards he may hav a point.” ~ Nigel Molesworth esq, the goriller of 3b

The Grauniad on Bachmann et al

Bachmann, 55, believes her country needs to be reclaimed from a socialist president, a gay mafia, and treasonous liberals, responsible for, among other things, robbing Americans of the freedom to choose their light bulbs.

Polling place accessibility and the NSW state election

I get the impression that the NSW election sees a slight improvement over the Federal election in polling place accessibility information. How does your electorate look? How many fully wheelchair accessible polling places, how many assisted access, and how close are they to you? What information is missing from the descriptions?