Cousin It goes to Carols

I tend to not realise how big my hair is until I see a shot from behind.

a crowd of people on standard plastic chairs, facing towards a stage which is out of shot - one person (and their hair) is highlighted)

The descants went well.

Categories: Life


4 replies

  1. You have the most fantastic hair in the universe, tied with Chantal Biya.

    • Why thankee ā€“ I have on at least two occasions paid folding type money to swanky hair palaces to make my hair look more like yours, though! Iā€™m just impatient now for more grey hair to arrive ā€“ I want to see whether I can pull off the fall of silver look.

  2. Iā€™m just impatient now for more grey hair to arrive

    Ha, youā€™re not the only one! And most hairdressers find this very odd indeed.
    Iā€™ve been growing my hair long (though not as long as yours) in anticipation of more silver which has yet to materialise. Itā€™s not like I havenā€™t earned itā€¦

  3. tigtog, somehow I was struck by your hair Saturday too, more than usual. EPIC HAIR.