Soggy here, innit?

Sydney Harbour Bridge span is hardly visible through raindrops on a window.
Rainy Sydney in 2011, much the same now

In Sydney right now anyway. How about where you are, everybody?

I hope all hoydens and hoyden-adjacent folks are safe and sound during the latest manifestations of the climate emergency.

In other news I am definitely still masking up when I’m around other people. I use the brown paper bag system to extend the life of my N95s.

Categories: crisis, health, Life

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2 replies

  1. Well, over here on the west side of the country, the weather is dry, but humid (there’s a lot of moisture to the north and east of us, and it has to go somewhere), and the COVID situation is “ramping up”. I haven’t been doing the Daily Doomscroll for the past couple of days on COVID-related topics, or indeed anything else, but a quick glance at the ABC’s page for WA says we’re still recording about 2000 cases per day (and expecting the numbers to keep rising).

    • The last few days have been drier, hooray! Have got a couple of decent walks in, which I desperately needed. Forecast is for more La Nina nonsense in the wings though.

      Covid case numbers rising in the east as well, so just sheltering in place other than walks in uncrowded places and continuing to mask in shops.