Shakespeare in Australia

I have a new website to share. Logo showing two skulls facing opposite directions. Text: Shakespeare TwentyScore

As reported by John Bailey at the Age (bless him for noticing), while the rest of the world is making a gigantic festive fuss over the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, taking place this year, none of Australia’s major arts or government bodies have anything planned to mark the occasion.

Frontispiece of Shakespeare's Complete Works showing engraving of the playwright.

At the grassroots level, however, there is tremendous passion and enthusiasm for Shakespeare in this country. Some universities are holding special lectures or symposia, and both professional and amateur theatre performances are being staged. It is my hope that with an online space for people to find out about these events, and a little help with ideas and templates for things to do, events will start to spring up, or at the very least, people who are interested will find more easily something going on near them.

Shakespeare TwentyScore is fulfilling that role. At present it is mostly event listings plus a few useful links, but it will grow and expand throughout the year. The actual anniversary date is 23 April, but all kinds of things will be taking place all through 2016, so keep checking for updates, and expanding resources pages.

Please come and visit the Shakespeare TwentyScore website, follow our Facebook page and find us on Twitter at @Shakes20Score. If you have anything you would like to see in the listings, contact me via

Four women in Elizabethan gowns surround a puzzled-looking gentleman in a ruff.

Stage production of Love’s Labours Lost



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