It’s #bellhooksweek

a portrait of bell hooksOr so Ms Magazine tells me, and their blog is celebrating #bellhooksweek by featuring the following articles:

All week we’ll be sharing posts inspired by the works of bell hooks.

“Imagine living in a world where there is no domination, where females and males are not alike or even always equal, but where a vision of mutuality is the ethos shaping our interaction.” – bell hooks

  • In “Teaching to Transgress in High Schools“, Ileana Jimenez shares how bell hooks and feminist theory are transforming high school classrooms
  • Continuing bell hooks’ work of taking love seriously, in “All About Love“, Ebony Utley interviews black women about their experiences with love and infidelity.
  • In “10 Years of ‘Feminism is for Everybody‘” Audrey Bilger commemorates one of our favorite feminist classics.

Please share links to other articles celebrating the works of bell hooks, or your favourite bell hooks quote, in comments.

Categories: gender & feminism, social justice

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