April Whimsy

In a nod to Easter I ask you, is there any such thing as too much chocolate? If so I submit that this may be it:

Two women placing ears on top of the head of an enormous chocolate Easter bunny.

Two women placing ears on top of the head of an enormous chocolate Easter bunny.

A teeny tiny tennis ball for a teeny tiny puppy. Although in keeping with the Easter theme it does look a little like a rabbit.

This is a rabbit. No really.

An extremely fluffy brown and grey rabbit facing the camera.

An extremely fluffy brown and grey rabbit facing the camera.

This post is for things that have recently amused or delighted you. Think of it as a brain bleach repository. Share the images or links in comments and I will do my best to remember how admin magic works.

Categories: fun & hobbies


9 replies

  1. Whimsy: Mads doing her impression of an Egyptian goddess on a barge.
    Delight: My new dress from Secret Lentil clothing. Never bought a one-off dress before!

  2. I ate one easter egg and was really sick for two hours. Not so whimsical. In other news though, I also watched the last Star Wars movie! Now my education is complete. I also did some fire spinning and my housemate took awesome photos, look! https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/5562_3053295626935_1719867949_n.jpg
    Also, I’m turning 21 tomorrow. 😀

  3. Formula One driver Kimi Räikkönen’s new steering wheel:

    (via a Thread O’Doom on ManBoobz where I see Kitteh is commenting!)
    Mindy, I don’t think wordpress.com lets admins do image magic, sorry.

  4. ooh, apparently it does, actually. Woot!

  5. I totally need an ice cream button.

  6. REI’s April Fool page is appropriately whimsical, with kitteh: http://www.rei.com/share/adventure-kitten-gear.html

  7. Aqua, that is totally getting sent to manboobz! 😀

  8. This cat.
    Wearing a shark costume.
    Riding a Roomba.
    Chasing a duckling.