Hello, we’re back!

Well that was a nasty surprise.

Our server got hacked and somebody got very nasty indeed in there.  Luckily, tech support at the webhost end restored the files, and then some of the security experts from Geek Feminism Blog have gone over things with a fine tooth comb, taken a full backup of every single bit of the database, and done many other clever and sneaky things to harden it the hell up.

So, we’re back in business for now, and if we do get hacked again there’s no need to panic.  Which I did, rather a lot, at first.

Categories: Meta

12 replies

  1. I can imagine! Glad it all came good in the end.

  2. Thank goodness for super techy people. Glad it all came good.

  3. For once, I’m glad I was at work and missed the whole thing. Poor you! I wish I could mix you a LARGE pink gin or 3, right now.

  4. Yeah, I bet Helen is right – bet a nice drink would go down well at the moment, tigtog.

  5. Well, you know who to call, or where to go to.

  6. I missed that drama, but glad you’re still here.

  7. So glad it all got sorted. Thank goodness for techy And feminist community!!

  8. ouch, of course i would have panicked as well.
    you & geegfeminists rock 🙂

  9. I was wondering what happened! I’m glad everything worked out o.o;

  10. What everyone else said!

  11. I’m so far behind I missed the outage. I’m glad it’s all working again!