Thursday Cheezburger – Movie Classics.

funny pictures of cats with captions


funny pictures of cats with captions

Got any favourite movie cheez? Post here, and wait for admin image magic to make it appear.

Please post a link to a FULL webpage, rather than a direct link to an image only – that is, no URLs with .jpg, .png, .gif (etc) on the end. This makes our admin image magic quicker and easier. Thanks!

Categories: arts & entertainment, fun & hobbies

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7 replies

  1. The first one reminds me of Bladerunner (well it would but for the remarkable lack of lighting in that movie).
    Star Wars lolcats are so much better than Star Wars itself.
    see more Lolcats and funny pictures

  2. Alternative LOLdog
    see more dog and puppy pictures
    Deus Ex Macintosh’s last blog post..Lost and Foundling

  3. The fact that the instructions to include a link to the original page, not the original image, have progressed from teeny-tiny text to VERY LARGE BOLDED FONT makes me feel less stupid for missing them the first time I tried to post. 😀
    see more Lolcats and funny pictures

  4. Hmmm…. what about using the full embed code they offer on the lolcats page? Or does that make it worse for the admin magicians? In any case, this one reminds me of my first year at university. And of the looks on my daughters faces when I find them out in their fathers shed, “just playing a game, Mum.”
    see more Lolcats and funny pictures
    Deborah’s last blog post..I should really save this for Good Friday

  5. @ Deborah:
    If you try and use the embed code direct from the lolcats page WordPress with autostrip it from your comment. Only logged-in users can post images of any kind.
    PS you don’t need to hyperlink a cut and pasted URL – WordPress will do that anyway, and when you do it then WP counts it as two links and the automoderation filter puts you in the mod bin.