Read This OTD: Feminist Frequency & Lauren Chief Elk on Beyond The Safety Pin

This call-to-activism post from Anita Sarkeesian lists useful resources for those who want to become more politically engaged as they contemplate President-Elect Trump. US-centric obviously, but much of the advice is universal and some of the organisations listed are international. So if you’ve been wondering what you can do, here’s some food for thought.

We’ve been talking internally about how we will shift as an organization to reflect the challenges we face as we look ahead to the next four years. We have no immediate answers or solutions, but as we navigate what comes next for us and look to build coalitions with other organizations and nonprofits to create a strong resistance, we want to share with you some concrete actions you can take in your day-to-day life to help those who are particularly at risk, as well as some organizations that we believe are already on the front lines doing very important work. We encourage you to get involved with these organizations, be it through financial contributions, volunteer work, or in other ways that make sense for you.

Some more advice found via Twitter:

Masha Green in the New York Review of Books writes about Rules for Survival in an Autocracy, for those who are most likely to be immediately affected rather than having the luxury to choose allyship/activism.

Trump is the first candidate in memory who ran not for president but for autocrat—and won.

I have lived in autocracies most of my life, and have spent much of my career writing about Vladimir Putin’s Russia. I have learned a few rules for surviving in an autocracy and salvaging your sanity and self-respect. It might be worth considering them now:

Rule #1: Believe the autocrat. He means what he says. Whenever you find yourself thinking, or hear others claiming, that he is exaggerating, that is our innate tendency to reach for a rationalization. This will happen often: humans seem to have evolved to practice denial when confronted publicly with the unacceptable.

And as a final response to safety pins (which I haven’t seen much about here in Australia yet):

Reading @ChiefElk’s timeline as she schools a range of clueless people responding to the above tweet – it’s an education in itself.

Categories: crisis, culture wars, ethics & philosophy, social justice

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