Caption this

(Stealing some schtick from Liss)

I’ll start with:

These are the only pink bits you‘ll see, mate!

Caption this

Image credit: photo by ninjapoodles

I love this shot.

Categories: arts & entertainment, fun & hobbies


4 replies

  1. “Give me a razor & let’s see what you end up looking like…”

  2. “She made me feel like a human being. That’s not the kind of
    thing you just forgive.”

  3. OMG, that looks just like our current dog and our former dog.
    As if former dog had come back from the dead to monster poor Maggie…
    I’m going to have nightmares tonight!
    Helen’s last blog post..OMG I FKN LUV IT

  4. There’s plenty more shots of the personable Delta at ninjapoodles Flickrstream, Helen.
    I especially like this one.